I can't remember what life was like before he came to my life two years ago. It is a little bit of a blur, and in a way I feel like he has always been a part of it. It just feels so right that our paths crossed and that we were at the same place at the same time two years ago. It all makes sense.
Reflecting on these two years of love, I realize how the first year was full of emotion and the second felt like everything was falling into place. Beginnings are hard, two people that had never been in a relationship, coming from two different worlds, with a cultural and language barriers... it is not easy. This second year has been a blessing for both of us. We truly found a special kind of love, a love that grows stronger each and every day.
The story of how we met is unforgettable. It is unique and I believe that they were the signs I've always prayed for.
We met at the Oktoberfest in Fremont, Seattle. My friend Alicia and I spent a lazy Saturday doing ''homework'' at my place. At some point we looked at each other and agreed that we needed to get out of the house.
She told me she had two plans for us to choose from (as per usual Alicia had multiple events in her busy ;) calendar). One was to meet this friend she met from church and his friends were in Oktoberfest, and I can't remember the other one. We decided to go for the first one.
We got there pretty late, considering people spend most of the day there drinking beer. Now that I think about it I don't even know how we ended up there; a beer event (not a fan of beer), it was expensive to get in ($30/person) and it was late. Three strong reasons for us to have decided to go. But we went, because as much as I like control, sometimes you can't control God's plan and you have to let yourself go.
We still recall the ironic conversation Alicia and I were having in the car on our way to Seattle. It was a little bit pessimistic. We were complaining how we had just spent our entire precious Saturday in our laptops, doing who knows what. That our social lives were getting smaller and smaller (a big group of friends were leaving at that time), that we couldn't find quality men (I'll admit we were not really looking very hard).
Anyways, we got there and met with Mark, Alicia's friend at that time. He came to meet us in the middle of the crowd and then went to meet with the rest of the group. It was loud, full of people and long lines to the beer tastings.
Ryan was there in line and we got introduced. We asked each other the questions of where are you from, what do you do, how long have you been here...
We didn't stay in there for a long time because, as I said we got in late. We decided to go to a Karaoke place in Queen Anne and we left to go get the car. I am not sure where the rest of their friends went, but Ryan, Mark, Alicia and I were the only ones there. On our walk to the car, I suggested Ryan it would be better to give me a piggy back ride instead of picking me up like a 'sausage'. He said yes to my great idea and I got up on a bench, since he was too tall for me to jump from the back.
At the famous parking lot after cleaning all the blood.
As soon as I put my weight on his back and he took one step forward, he lost his balance and we both fell on our faces on the ground. Ryan fell knee and head first and then it was me flying from the top. I am so thankful he put his arm to try to save me from falling harder into the ground. I fell on my chin into the concrete. It was really scary, and Alicia and Mark were walking in front of us.
They turned around and we were both laying on the ground. They quickly came to us and helped us get up. Alicia made sure I had all my teeth and that I didn't break my jaw. It felt really sore but according to Alicia it wasn't as bad as I thought.
We headed to the car to get some of the baby wipes I always carry with me (working with children has me all prepared), to clean our wounds and while we were still recovering from what had just happened, two guys got closer to us, we didn't notice them until they were right in front of us. We were distracted with the baby wipes, blood coming everywhere, laughing to the comical situation, but when we noticed them we looked at their faces and they were both covered, one had a clown mask on and the other had a zip-up hoody and a gun in their hands poining at Ryan and I, we looked at them and they said; I'm sorry I have to do this, but give me all your money". Mark and Alicia were on the side of the car also talking but they didn't realize what was happening until I got Mark's attention and made him look at them. He then made Alicia and I get in the car.
He said, "I only have $30 dollars cash" and Ryan said, "I only have my cards and I will cancel them as soon as you leave if you take them". They took the cash and ran to a car that was waiting for them at the end of the street.
It is all kind of a blur to us now but WOW!, it all happened within 10 minutes. We then decided to go home after that.
Ryan and I connected a few weeks after that night. I remember he PM me on Instagram saying; "I never got your nimber, We should at least grab dinner after taking a fall like that".
Our next date was 3 weeks after the fall and we decided to play it safe, and we went to a Pumpkin Patch. The rest is history!
I am so thankful God used that night to start something so special and that I know will last forever.
Thank you for reading.