One of the art projects we did this summer is create our own artwork for the new house. We decided to experiment with tissue paper we had from paper wrapping and I got 4 24x24'' canvas from Michael's.
Read MoreLes Mones Pitussa
Les mones Pitussa son tradició a casa Llauradó-Vilà, i sembla que cada any augmenten la quantitat d'ordres, no m'extranya. Una setmana abans de Pasqua, es prepara el forn, es fan viatges a la confiteria, els ous i la farina es multipliquen, les ametlles es torren, s'escullen les plumes colors i tota la xocolata comencen a invadir la cuina.
My host family and I moved to a new house 9 months ago in the same neighbourhood and many friends have asked me to see pictures of my new house and room.
I decided to show my room and some facts about me and my space. I love spending time in it, creating, working, reading and taking naps.
My room is the place where I get to decompress from the day, where I dream and where I get to create most of the time.
Read MoreBOW CAPE #2
I made these capes after my tutorial collaboration with Wild + Free and I've already sold 5 capes to friends and a few followers from Instagram.
These two are my favorite ones and I've had plans to keep them until one day I had daughters, but since by the time my future daughters will be old enough to wear them it could be in at least 10 years, I decided to sell them so that two lucky girls can enjoy them instead of sitting in my closet.
They are both reversible with one side in a beautiful quality velvet and the blue one has a soft flower pattern on the other side and the green one has a soft lilac flannel fabric. The cape ties around the neck with the softest most gorgeouse handdied velvet ribbon.
I listed them on Etsy and you'll be able to find a few ponchos aswell. I am a little sad to let them go, but I know I can always make more and I am happy someone can love them as much as I do.
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Ilustration by Elisenda Llaurado.
Practically Perfect in every way!
Practically Perfect in Every Way! That's how I remember Mary Poppins. Her impecable style, her perfectionism, and her beauty.
"In every job that must be done there is an element of Fun! You find the fun and... SNAP! The job's a game!" Mary Poppins.
Who knows me, knows I love Mary Poppins so much. Mary was part of my childhood, actually, I don't know how anybody can make it through childhood without this classic. In our home we even named a meal after Mary.
My mother was also a fan of Mary Poppins, she was probably 4 o 5 years old when the movie came out. My grandmother made her one of the dresses from the movie for one of her roller skate performances. We still have this dress today (see below).
That dress got a lot of love and countless ours of playing dress up... and when I couldn't fit in it anymore, I made my brothers wear it. I really wanted a sister, so that was the closest I would get to have one. I was probably quite bossy (perdoneu germans!! :D)
Foto: Xavier on the left and Jordi on the right.
Ryan and I decided to be Bert and Mary for this year's Halloween. This has always been one of my dreams (it's the little things) and I decided to make my costume from scratch.
We chose the scene below, one of my favorites of the movie:
I wanted to make the hat myself, but I couldn't find the right shape of hat I wanted, so I found this one in Etsy and it was perfect!
Disney store makes a replica of the parrot umbrella thanks to the Broadway Musical in New York.
Oh, and this video... I will cherish it forever! #pressplay and enjoy!
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A colorful breakfast
Beatriz de Pepa y su Maleta e Isabel de Mariposas Blancas tienen un bonito apartado en su blog llamado Something Beautiful, donde invitan a alguien que quieren conocer más a preparar un desayuno en un lugar favorito mientras explican cosas sobre sus proyectos y aventuras.
Hace ya un año coincidimos las tres en un curso online de Hello!Creatividad y yo conocí en persona a Bea en mi paso por Madrid en Abril de este año.
Pasaros por sus blogs; aquí el de Bea y aquí el de Isabel para saber más de lo que cuento sobre mis proyectos, propósitos y sobre mis aventuras en Seattle y para ver el desayuno que preparé con Tania de República Checa y con Lucile de Francia en ese bonito día de otoño.
A colorful cake for a special birthday boy.
I am clearly learning to communicate better each day, one step at a time, and express verbally my emotions the best way I can. But if there's something that comes natural to me and that is clearly my love language, is creating things with my imagination and my hands that will make someone feel special and loved. Something that doesn't necessarily need words written in it, because it speaks for itself.
The birthday cake moment in a party will never get old. It is the moment where everyone will pay attention to the person celebrating life with friends and family. It is a special one so this is what I came up with.
Read MorePaper hats for Wild+Free
Here's my latest collaboration with the beautiful homeschooling community Wild + Free for the March bundle called FAMILY, inspired by the classic children's book 'The Swiss Family Robinson' and is packed full of articles, how-tos, downloads, tutorials and other resources...
Read MoreHandmade with Love
One of God's greatest gift to me is giving me the desire of making things. I woke up this morning at 4.30 am with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude traveling all over my body. Gratitude for having the desire and ability to create.
It is hard to explain, I have this feeling very often and I believe is what makes me a happy person overall and keeps me moving and dancing everyday. Then, I remembered what Kirsten Rickert said in her blog one time; ''Art is known to increase moral, reduce stress and keep people occupied. People find peace, contentment and rewards in arts & crafts. The arts and crafts foster skills and savors time. Enough said.''
People often comment: oh, but you can do it because you are so creative. It is not true, first of all we are all artists and we can all do things, what makes people thing I am creative is because I have this need to create things.
When do I find time to do it? If you ask me I will answer, I don't know. With time I just learned that there's time for everything, and trust me, if you are as busy as you can be you'll even have more time to do things. Keep yourselves busy, it plays the trick!
Well, this Christmas, I bought a few presents, but as usual I made the rest by hand. It is my love language and that's the best way I know to show my love and thankfulness for people that are part of my life.
New born gift set
This is the gift I put together for my little God daughter who was born at the beginning of December. I made the reversible cape (the same I made for the tutorial for the Wild and Free January bundle). I used a light gray velvet fabric for one of the sides and a light pink for the other side and tied with the gorgeous hand-dyed silk velvet ribbon.
I also got her a pair of Freshly Picked moccasins in the Blush color. And the hand-knitted pixie hat from Typically Red, you can follow her work in Instagram here. This talented mom is raising three girls in Australia in the fresh country air one hour south from Sydney. I just discovered her blog the other day and I love it. It just makes me want to travel all the way to Australia and snuggle with her in the couch knitting. Well, hoping that she would teach me how to knit, because I haven't gotten there yet.
Note: I got everything as if it was for a one year old, since when they are newborns they grow fast and sometimes parents don't even have time to put them everything they bought or they got as a present. Everything is huge on baby Mary right now, but I can't wait for her to start wearing these.
I made these 2 sets of 2 paintings for my friends. I don't consider myself a painter, but I do like to paint once in a while. This was a recreation of two projects I did for my Design I class in college this last quarter. The teacher kept the originals that I did for class, because she loved them so I painted them in two square canvases.
About three years ago, my friend Veronica Algaba and I painted a 8 m x 3m wall after 15 days and 380 intense hours. This was a crazy intense project that we finished exactly 3 days before I came here in the US to be an Aupair. After that experience, it took me about a year to paint something again. You can check out Veronica's post in her blog about this project we did on September 2011.
Weaving with kids
This was my first attempt to weave. I've been following amazing weavers in Instagram like Warped Threads among others, that inspired me to make one together with the boys for my host family this Christmas. I bought the loom online here. I looked different tutorials in Internet and also the wonderful tutorials of the blog A Beautiful Mess.
It is far from perfect, but we learned a lot and the kids loved helping with the process.
Happy creating everyone!
Reversible cape #1: Wild +
I had the pleasure of collaborating again with the beautiful homeschooling community Wild + Free for the January bundle inspired by one of my favorite books and movie and the beautiful girl in it: The little Princess.
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