(05/30/16 - 06/05/16)
We finally finished the promotional video.
It was great working as a team with the video guys (Nathaniel and Victoria) to produce this video. They made our vision happen and we couldn't be more proud of the final results.
For me it was a great experience to help set it up, direct, style it and finding great spots to shoot and making sure we were covering all the areas of the different functionalities of the bags, finding people to be in the video...
We are now getting ready to get the video out there and we will probably advertise it in Facebook to reach out to as many people as possible.
We will probably wait until the next run of bags come from production. We are almost sold out of everything, which is great, but we think it will be more effective if we actually have more bags back in stock!
This week I also worked on miscellanious stuff, like emails, some promotional stuff for a bag that is not selling out very well, so we are thinking about ways to make it appealing and promote it on the website and social media.
Merin Your Own App Design
I also worked with an ITAD student to finish the app I designed a few quarters ago. This is not something that the company asked me to do but I am presenting it to them to see if this is something they would like for a future use. Maybe to run contests or to help customers share pictures on social media.
I presented this app on the Portfolio defenses last week and it turned out great! Nathan Connors helped me program it and make my vision happen. You can see the web version of the app here. To display it correctly, you'll have to use Safari, not Firefox. There are a few settings that need to be fixed, but you will get a pretty good idea of how the app works!
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