(05/02/16 - 05/08/16)
Tasks for this week:
- Edit mini-video
- Promotional video for Merin
- Tassel
- Social Media
1. Promotional Video
We are going to make a professional looking video for Merin Designs. This is something we've been wanting to do for a while now and now we found the right people to make it happen. I sent out an email to my Portfolio Defenses class asking to see if anyone from the video program would be interested in working with this video as their GAP project that we have to work for our final. Nathan and Victoria Rose stepped out and very excited to create a wonderful piece.
Last week Nathan, Victoria and I met in campus to talk about the goals of the video, to tell them about the product and my ideas for the video.
Our goals:
- Show the functionality of the bag (multiple pockets to keep organized, key clip, cell phone slip, zipper, cross-body strap)
- Machine Washable
- Multiple uses (pool, beach, hiking, bike riding, school & art supplies, for men, not only for women, yoga...)
- Waterproof bottom and inside pockets
- Tell the story
This week we all met with Kea, the owner, to go over more specific details and we had the chance to start recording a few scenes. Next week we are meeting again to interview Kea and record her voice over and hear the story of how she started. I am going to prepare some questions to ask Kea.
Below is a screenshot of the editing pannel Nathan is working on. The meeting and recording session worked out really well and for the next following weeks we are going to meet in different days to get footage from different environments, to show that it's a very versatile bag for many uses and very functional.
2. Tassel
I got the materials and still sourcing a few others and I am now working on the actual product. Hopefully next week I will have some samples to show.
3. Video Merin
This is a short little video of one of the functionalities of the bag that I took in one of our meetings a few weeks ago. I put it together and added music in the background. We will use it for the website and social media.
I think having this kind of videos are very important for a product like Merin.
4. Social Media
I've been posting on their Instagram account. One of my duties in this internship is keeping social media active and interact with followers.