Today, five years ago, I was hopping on a plane about to start a new chapter in life. To a new country, way too far away from home with a family I only had a 20 min. phone call with. Ready to spend a year in Seattle (I had to google it, no clue where I was going) to take care of two precious little boys, travel, meet amazing people (aka titas) and learning everything I could from this amazing country, the one that is ALREADY great!. I didn't know what I was doing and I look back and realize how brave that 22 year old was. I was so nervous that lauramgcachinero had to pack my suitcase, she organized my outfits and made sure I wasn't only bringing scarfs and shoes. I thank her for being here today. I landed in the most caring, thoughtful, generous and loving family. They've become like my second family and they kind of adopted me.
Well 5 years later, I am still here and now walking alongside this man of mine, dreaming of all the adventures ahead.
I am about to start a new chapter in life (from school to work) and I want to be inspired by my younger self, to follow my dreams and passions and let go ✨
Here's the video I made of the highlights of the first year in Seattle:
It is important to me to document, it has always been. From random notebooks where I write quotes that I like, to photobooks to journals. That's why I started this blog. I might not be consistent when it comes to posting, but I do post the highlights of my daily life here in Seattle.
Aside from the blog I keep a Photo Journal on Tumblr, I fell in love with photography when I was in college and I've been carrying it with me ever since. I take a picture of everything that captures my attention and this Photo Journal was a great way to post every single part of my daily life.
Translation Catalan:
Avui, fa cinc anys, estava pujant a un avió a punt de començar una nova etapa de la meva vida. A un nou país, massa llunt a viure una aventura d'un any amb una familia amb la que només havia parlat 20 minuts per telèfon. Preparada per passar un any a Seattle (ho vaig tenir que buscar al Google, no sabia on era) per a cuidar a dos nens petits, viatjar, conèixer gent meravellosa i per aprendre tot el possible d'aquest fantàstic país. No sabia el que estava fent en aquell moment i ara, mirant enrere, me'n dono compte de lo valenta que vaig ser :). Estava tant nerviosa que la Laura M Garcia em va haver de fer la maleta, organitzar la roba i assergurar-se de que no només portés bufandes i sabates. Li agraeixo a ella que avui estigui aquí ;). He anat a parar a la familia mes encantadora que ha passat a ser com la meva segona familia.
Podeu veure més del meu dia a dia, al meu diari fotogràfic: